Pierre & Helen Vermeulen

About Us: Pierre
My wife Helen and I have been married for 28 years. We love hiking, motorcycling, camping and exploring. I worked as an electronic technician before undergoing training as a tour guide in 1999.
I love my job as a full-time guide and enjoy the outdoors. I qualified as a National Tourist guide in 2005 and have been working in all 9 provinces of South Africa. Over the years I have lead tours through South Africa as well as the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Eswatini (Swaziland) and Lesotho.
Working for different large tour operators helped me gain an immense knowledge and love for Africa, its history, Fauna and Flora as well as its people. Besides guiding I am a qualified diver and love to explore the beauty underneath the ocean. With my BMW GS 1200 motorcycle I have the opportunity of exploring the less travelled routes in and around Africa.
About Us: Helen
I am a born and bred South African from an Afrikaans background but grew up in a bilingual home with an English-speaking father and Afrikaans speaking mother. I am a professional nurse and have been working in research for the past 20 years. For the last 8 years I have been working with patients with life threatening blood diseases at The University of Cape Town and Groote Schuur Hospital. I am privileged to have visited many countries across the world due to my occupation including France, Monaco, Spain, USA, Turkey, Czech Republic, Germany, England and Thailand.
Pierre and I have been married for 28 years and love traveling and camping; We both have an adventurous spirit and love the outdoors. We also love discovering new places on roads less travelled. I qualified as a tour guide in 1996 and worked as a full-time guide in our own touring company of which the name said it all: Farhills Discovery Tours. Our services offered included scheduled tours, teambuilding packages and adventure tours. When Pierre qualified as a guide, I went back to nursing. We closed the company in 2008 after which I continued in the research field full time.
I enjoy cycling, hiking, tennis and for many years I was an avid sailor of my own catamaran. I introduced Pierre to this sport and we enjoyed many relaxing days out on the ocean together.